Alice Healy Watercolors
My love for watercolor began when I took a Chinese brush painting classes while living in Singapore. It was the beginning of a life long journey of exploration and growth.
As a perpetual student, I have experimented with many mediums, and have always returned to watercolor. Since retiring from Western Washington University as the Communication Sciences and Disorders Academic Department Manager, I am able to devote myself full-time to painting.
I get my inspiration from the beauty of the northwest - the wildlife, Puget Sound, the Olympic Pennisula and my own Sudden Valley. I tend to work in phases - focusing on Northwest scenes, then perhaps on squirrels, roosters, trees, flowers, as well as landscapes.
My work can be found at The Art Market in Fairhaven, on the Valley Arts Group website, www.valleyartsgroup.org, on Facebook at Alice Healy Watercolor and on Instagram at @achealy26.